Design of Software Support Structures for High Performance Optimistic Simulations with Special Focus on Multi-Core Hosting Environment

Roberto Vitali

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In this dissertation we cope with performance of PDES systems, with special focus on deploys of the PDES platform onto multi-core architectures. These architectures represent the current CPU trend and nowadays it is common to have chips with a significant number of cores, sometimes enough for effectively performing parallel computations within a single chip. By design, these architectures share most of the CPU internal components across different cores, and physical memory across the different CPUs. This implies several drawbacks, mainly due to the contention, but at the same time, such a sharing can become a resource, if well exploited through sector specific software design. The base building block for our work is the optimistic PDES synchronization paradigm, which has been shown to be highly promising in terms of potential for fruitful parallelism exploitation

BibTeX Entry:

author = {Vitali, Roberto},
school = {Sapienza, University of Rome},
title = {Design of Software Support Structures for High Performance Optimistic Simulations with Special Focus on Multi-Core Hosting Environment},
year = {2013},
type = {phdthesis},
comment = {Supervisor: F. Quaglia}