Efficient Software Transactional Memory via Thread Scheduling and Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling
Stefano Conoci

Transactional memory is a interesting parallel programming paradigm that offers the scalability of fine-grained locking without the need of handcrafted synchronization. It relies on the concept of atomic transactions that might commit or abort depending on the interleaving of operations on shared data. However, an excessive number of aborts could lead to performance degradation and wasted energy. Recently, there has been interest in the performance and energy optimization of transactional memory with techniques like thread scheduling [1, 2]. However, there are not yet studies that explore the energy efficiency and performance trade-offs obtainable when running transactional applications at lower energy CPU states. In this work we investigate the performance and energy efficiency of two current generation systems executing transactional applications with different configurations of parallel threads and CPU frequency and voltage. The results of this investigation are exploited to develop an architecture for the efficient execution of transactional applications. It is based on exploration heuristics that can efficiently select at run-time the configuration that provide the highest performance while operating withing user defined constraints on power and energy consumption. This thesis is organized as follows. In Chapter 1 we provide an overview of concurrent programming, transactional memories and we characterize the energy consumption of modern computing system. Chapter 2 contains a brief summary of the present state of the art of the performance and energy optimization of transactional memories. In Chapter 3 we perform an in-depth analysis of the performance and energy efficiency of transactional applications running with different configurations of parallel threads and CPU energy states. In Chapter 4 we present the proposed architecture, the exploration heuristics and we show the trade-offs obtainable with different constraints on power and energy consumption. Chapter 5 concludes this work with a brief summary of the achieved results
BibTeX Entry:
author = {Conoci, Stefano},
school = {Sapienza, University of Rome},
title = {Efficient Software Transactional Memory via Thread Scheduling and Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling},
year = {2017},
type = {mathesis},
comment = {Supervisor: F. Quaglia - Co-Supervisor: P. Di Sanzo}