Metamorphic transformations: Safeguarding software IP with Generative Grammars
Matteo Ciccaglione
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BibTeX Entry:
author = {Ciccaglione, Matteo},
school = {University of Rome ``Tor Vergata''},
title = {Metamorphic transformations: Safeguarding software IP with Generative Grammars},
year = {2023},
month = apr,
type = {mathesis},
comment = {Supervisor: A. Pellegrini}
author = {Ciccaglione, Matteo},
school = {University of Rome ``Tor Vergata''},
title = {Metamorphic transformations: Safeguarding software IP with Generative Grammars},
year = {2023},
month = apr,
type = {mathesis},
comment = {Supervisor: A. Pellegrini}