Hardware-Transactional-Memory Based Speculative Parallel Discrete Event Simulation of Very Fine Grain Models
Emanuele Santini, Mauro Ianni, Alessandro Pellegrini, and Francesco Quaglia
Published in: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on High Performance Computing

This article presents an innovative runtime support for speculative parallel processing of discrete event simulation models on multi-core architectures, which exploits Hardware-Transactional-Memory (HTM) facilities for the purpose of state recoverability. In this proposal, the speculative updates on the state of the simulation model are executed as concurrent HTM-based transactions that are also in charge of detecting whether the update is consistent with the advancement of logical-time along model execution. Our proposal is fully transparent to the application code. Hence, our HTM-based run-time support can host conventionally developed discrete event models relying on the concept of event-handlers to be dispatched by an underlying simulation engine. Experimental data show that our proposal provides 75% to 92% of the ideal speedup on an Intel Haswell based platform (equipped with 4 physical cores and HTM support) for discrete event models with event granularity ranging between 2 and 12 microseconds. The data also show that these same models cannot be executed efficiently on top of a last generation parallel discrete event simulation platform employing software-based recoverability.
BibTeX Entry:
author = {Santini, Emanuele and Ianni, Mauro and Pellegrini, Alessandro and Quaglia, Francesco},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on High Performance Computing},
title = {Hardware-Transactional-Memory Based Speculative Parallel Discrete Event Simulation of Very Fine Grain Models},
year = {2015},
month = dec,
pages = {145--154},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
series = {HiPC},
doi = {10.1109/HiPC.2015.45},
location = {Bengaluru, India}