Reproducibility Report for the Paper: QN-based Modeling and Analysis of Software Performance Antipatterns for Cyber-Physical Systems

Alessandro Pellegrini

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The authors have uploaded their artifact to Zenodo, which ensures a long-term retention of the artifact. The artifact allows to re-run the experiments very smoothly, and the dependencies are well documented. The process to regenerate data for the figures and tables in the paper completes, and all results are reproducible.
This paper can thus receive the Artifacts Available badge. The software in the artifact runs correctly with no trouble, and is relevant to the paper, thus deserving the Artifacts Evaluated – Functional badge. Given the successful reproduction of all figures and tables, the Results Reproduced badge can be assigned.

BibTeX Entry:

author = {Pellegrini, Alessandro},
title = {Reproducibility Report for the Paper: QN-based Modeling and Analysis of Software Performance Antipatterns for Cyber-Physical Systems},
year = {2021},
month = apr,
note = {Workshop di Informatica Quantitativa (InfQ) 2014},
journal = {CoRR},
eprint = {2104.10030},
archiveprefix = {arXiv},
primaryclass = {cs.SE},
url = {},
volume = {abs/2104.10030}